"Your answering service makes life so much easier for me... your operators know exactly what to do, they treat my patients like their own, and your understanding of how a physician practice works makes your staff invaluable"...
Dr. Anthony Marino,
Methuen, MA
"Your staff is part of our team. Their understanding of the funeral business, its procedures and nomenclature makes all the difference. We've been talking to your operators for so many years, it is reassuring to recognize the voices, and know that when we are not able to answer the phones, our families are still treated as professionally and compassionately as if we had handled the call."
Richard Dewhirst,President-
Charles Dewhirst Funeral Home
Goundrey and Dewhirst Funeral Home and Cremation Service(Salem, NH)
"We don't know what we would do without you! When our phone lines were down for a week, your staff saved us, 24-7. We were able to function with no interruption. Our patients were taken care of as if you were here, right inour office."
Maureen Pieslak, RN-
New England Cardiology- Methuen, Ma.
"Your staff is so polite! Every operator on every shift that I've dealt with is so pleasant and helpful, it is unbelievable! Answering service operators usually rush you off the line and can't be bothered to be pleasant or offer their assistance. Very impressive!"-
Dr. Robert Hannon, President,
Rockingham Radiology